【美食】嘉義必吃平民美食!嘉義東市場 激推“口袋友善”小吃TOP 5!


嘉義東市場 can be considered the battleground for local gourmet delights, where longstanding and reputable eateries stand strong! Each of them is a force to be reckoned with! Some of the most popular stalls include “嘉義阿富網絲肉捲,” “袁家筒仔米糕,” “王家祖傳本產牛雜湯,” “東市場魯熟肉,” and “東市國棟杏仁茶,” just to name a few. Each stall is always packed with eager customers, and you can enjoy these delectable dishes at an affordable price. You can start your food adventure here as early as 6 AM. Come to 嘉義東市場 and indulge in an unforgettable culinary experience!




店面在東市場裡面,和一般肉捲不同,阿富肉捲是用 #豬網油去包裹,和常見使用 #豆皮包不太一樣。並且包覆的魚漿混合了 #荸薺、#豬肉末、#芹菜、#紅蘿蔔,再下鍋油炸。入口可嚐得到荸薺的清脆口感,而且跟女生手臂差不多粗的肉捲只要$60,的確非常超值!一人限購2條,建議要趁熱吃外皮才會酥脆不會濕軟喔~~






這家可以說是東市場最強排隊名店,想吃一定要早一點來,基準大概排1小時算快,2小時時算正常(正餐時間的話) 他們家的牛雜湯,一碗$150但料多到你會非常滿意,裡頭有牛肝 牛肚 牛雜 牛心 牛肉 牛腰和牛筋等等…重點是湯頭 好~好~喝~啊~且內臟處理的完全沒腥味,即使不沾醬也好吃。

“王家祖傳本產牛雜湯” can be considered the reigning champion of the queues at 東市場, so if you want to try it, arriving early is a must. On average, you might have to wait for around one hour if you’re fortunate, and during regular meal times, the wait can extend to two hours. A bowl of their beef offal soup costs $150, but rest assured, it’s worth every penny as the portion they serve is incredibly generous.

The soup is brimming with a delightful assortment of beef offal, including liver, tripe, intestines, heart, beef, loin, and tendons, among other delicacies. Moreover, their skilled preparation of the offal leaves no trace of gaminess, resulting in a flavorful and delicious soup that doesn’t even require any dipping sauce to enhance its taste.



可以說是黑白切的一種,最特別的是 #蟳粿 (這道可是北部吃不到的美味)蟳粿在台南早期是用蟳肉下去製成,與魚漿去蒸成跟蛋糕一樣的形狀,吃起來有蟹肉跟鴨蛋的香氣,重點是每樣小菜的價格都蠻可愛,什麼都點一份,吃得飽到脹氣,荷包也不負擔(笑)



吃飽後,最後再來一杯東市場內的 國棟杏仁茶,他們家的杏仁茶喝得到有點沙沙的口感,可以選擇冷熱飲,尤其這個季節熱熱的喝真的超幸福 吃飽後來杯解膩,好舒服~~ 😍

延伸閱讀:嘉義必嚐的早午餐新寵!綠洲 Oasis Brunch




此外,我們也有專屬的粉絲專頁了🎉  快到「Ammi’s Choice」,和我們一起聊天互動吧!! : )


Ammi’s Choice 傳遞的是一種態度


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